Stacey Bewkes
After 17 years as an art director at Simon & Schuster, Stacey Bewkes founded Quintessence, an award winning online guide to the best in style and substance. From art and architecture, to interiors and fashion, to books, film, travel and more, Quintessence has become a trusted source for well researched original content and imagery. She has contributed articles, photographs and video to top tier shelter publications and their sites, is the producer, editor and co-creator, with Susanna Salk, of the popular Quintessence design video series and the photographer for Susanna’s upcoming book, At Home with Dogs and Their Designers. Quintessence has been featured in many publications including Connecticut Cottages & Gardens, flower magazine, House Beautiful, Luxe Magazine, Traditional Home and the Washington Post and online in Architectural Digest, Domino, Elle Decor, Lonny, Style at Home, the New England Home Magazine blog among others.